Wednesday, August 3, 2016

What's Up Wednesday! (Hint: It's pool themed)

I saw this on Kelly's Korner and thought I'd try it too. Maybe I'll say things I normally don't...but probably not. Maybe one week I'll do this from Monkey or GMac's perspective.

What we're eating. Anything that can be grilled.  This week are hot dogs, brats, burgers, and chicken.  Also making Chicken Broccoli Stir-Fry and Skinny Turkey Nachos.

What I'm reminiscing about. Monkey as a baby.  My time hop is reminding every day of her baby days four years ago. And I'm not going to lie, I'm also thinking about those American Creme Oreos.

What I'm loving. Parmesan cheese. Seriously. And this is not agreeing with eating healthy and losing some weight. Ugh. But also, the dog days of summer, walks, and almost enjoying getting into a daily biking routine.

What I've been up to.  I realized last week that we have 2 weeks of weekday pooling left. So we're spending every day and evening possible there.

What I'm dreading. The end of our pool days. While that means it's beach time, I love the pool. I'm also sorta, kinda dreading pre-school starting again because it means Monkey's getting even older and one step closer (quiet possibly the last step) to Kindergarten.

What I'm should be working on. I'm not really working on anything but here's what's sitting around the house that I've been putting off for forever:
1. Organizing baby clothes. Yeah, haven't done that since GMac was born. There are boxes and boxes and baskets and baskets in the basement.
2. Hanging up clothws. We are working out of laundry baskets.  (I have been decent at least this week).
3. Putting out the mulch that's sitting in bags in the back.
4. Touch up painting on areas C's dad spackled last November.

What I'm excited about. Vain, I know, but my birthday!

What I'm watching/reading. When not watching the tribe or reading C and I are slowly finishing Parks and Rec. Not a priority, but we watch an episode here or there.  I stayed up way too late last night finishing book #41, Covet (a book I thought I couldn't get in to but ended up reading in two days - I won this on a facebook thing years ago and never got around to it).

What I'm listening to. I'm going to be honest here, Monkey and I are currently obsessing over Fight Song. Thank you, Hillary.

What I'm wearing. J.Crew's Harbor Shorts.  I found them on a whim last week for $12. I only bought one pair and now they only have 00 left.  I'm 12 times bigger than a 00. Other than that I'm wearing running shorts (I don't run) and t-shirts. Sweet summer time.

What I'm doing this weekend. Other than the pool there are no plans.

What I'm looking forward to next month. 

What else is new. GMac has a diaper rash and has been up since 6 this morning. You can guess his mood.  Monkey insists on always carrying around a bag (currently her backpack) and is also now off the steps in the big pool! GMac is jumping in the big pool (when you're there to catch him but not looking...sigh).

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