Friday, August 5, 2016

everyday elsea life

Here are a few photos that have been sitting in my phone.  They give a little insight into our daily life. 

Monkey planted this in a cup at school for Mother's Day. It has since outgrown the cup and lives in the front flower bed. We water it often and expect at least two more flowers soon! 

I didn't think I could do the Republican National Convention, but I can do it when I'm snapping the speakers. So much fun.  Do you follow me on snap chat? I'm radiantone7

I have a feeling the American Girl dolls will be entering out life soon.  Monkey has rediscovered the catalog and said to me the other day "Don't you think my baby needs a big sister?" 

Recycling old Vera Bradly so she can have a new bag. 
The contents: gardening gloves, sea creatures, fruit snacks, a paper of paper, a pencil, and hand sanitizer. 

This is the scene at our house around 4:25 every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I get the kids unloaded, grab my purse, and whatever they have taken to my parents or the babysitters, and occasionally groceries and try to wrangle the kids to get them inside.  GMac inevitably takes off and he'd rather be outside than in. If you're ever in the area around that time, make sure to drive by so you can see the circus. 

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