Friday, May 4, 2012

Adios Amigos

Everything Elsea is about to go dark. Just for the next week though.

C and I are on our way to the beach for our last childless hurrah!. (I feel like hurrah! always has to have a ! after the word.) And yes, per Doctor's orders we are stopping every TWO hours so that I can walk a bit. I told C I thought I'd be fine with every three hours, but he said if the Doctor says two, we're stopping every two.  That's at least 4-5 stops.

I've got chick-lit books galore and C has some not-so-heavy reading material as well (last time the heavy, "make you think" stuff kept him up at night).  I can't wait to get down there and just veg on the beach.

So until the 14th (ok, really the 15th, because there's some really good t.v. on the night of the 14th) stay cool my peoples.

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