Monday, September 24, 2018

the best laid plans

My plan for this evening was to get the kids to bed (baby asleep by 9:00 p.m.) do the dishes and some light pick up and then have a glass of wine while watching Bull.  I'm a Bull watcher now.  I originally wasn't because people told us C looked like Michael Weatherly, but I didn't see it.  Then everyone left town for a few weeks this summer and I didn't have anything to do and a rerun was on and I binged the first two seasons and I do see the resemblance.

Anyway. That plan didn't work out.  I got Dec to bed at 9:50 (after trying for an hour +). So the current plan is to watch Bull and do the dishes during the commercials and when the dishes are done I can have a glass of wine and maybe some cheese.

But first, you need to see these. I went down stairs to turn the lights off (Monkey can't, she's afraid of the dark) and found some of Monkey's name tags for her school.

Here's some I created for her. 

And her's. 

Sharky (GMac's stuffed shark)

I'm sure this student is the star pupil. 

And one more thing.  I was super set on having a super calm day and I'm pleased to say, despite the tea spill pictured below, I was able to stay super calm until about 9:15 p.m. when GMac woke up Dex with a non-emergency (we can't all be perfect). 

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