Thursday, February 1, 2018

Peaches, we are ready for you.

This is the first child for us that I feel like we're ready for.  You're never really ready for #1 and #2 came so quickly (because Rachel can't pay attending to the signs of labor) that we were taken a bit off guard.  But #3.  We're ready.  Bags are packed (and already deposited at Grandma and Grandpas for the kids). Outfits are out should I go into labor in the middle of the night.  The guest bedroom is ready (and sheets and towels upstairs for Grandam Elsea to say in our room while were in the hospital).  Everything is washed and (almost folded...I just can't get around to folding that last load) and everything is set up and assembled (minus the new stroller as it was missing nuts and bolts...but who needs that right away in the middle of Winter anyway?).  The pumps are ready and bottles are washed. Everything is pretty much in its place and planned (which has me wondering what will happen that isn't planned for?).

With all that done and C saying, "I'm ready TODAY" (except not TODAY because he had a deposition in Polaris), I'm thinking this baby is going to sit tight for a while (having said that, Peaches will probably come tomorrow). But I'm ready (minus the unknowns of labor) and constantly wondering if today is the day.

Yesterday morning (January 31st) Monkey came running into our bedroom yelling, "The baby's coming tomorrow!" Tomorrow being February 1st. 

This morning she came in yelling "Today's Valentine's Day!"  She really isn't sure how February works. 

I'm also thinking about the food we'll have while in the hospital because every restaurant is pretty much right next door up there.

You know what this waiting game has done? It's taken my mind of the cold, dark days and the fact that baseball is right around the corner (I love focusing on baseball being just days away). 

13 days till pitchers and catchers report!

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