Monday, December 12, 2016

The good great, the bad, and the ugly.

Where do I start the weekend?

Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.

Friday night was a regular Elsea Friday night.  C came home early to rake the leaves because 1) snow was coming and 2) we had a showing scheduled for Saturday evening. We watched A Charlie Brown Christmas in bed with the kids. I put GMac down, came back to find C asleep, let Monkey finish the movie and then put her down.

Since C was asleep for the rest of the evening, I took a nice bath, read, and watch two Hallmark Christmas movies.

Saturday morning C got up with the (very loud and congested) kids (I took his 8 pm bedtime the night before as a non-verbal "I'll get the kids in the morning, honey.") and we finished the last of the "make the house show-ready" things.  I went to Columbus with mom and Emily for a craft fair. C met me up there later as it was our long awaited Christmas shopping day! We got all of our shopping done (I'm thinking there will be two very happy kiddos on Christmas morning) and even managed to squeeze in a celebration dinner at the Ocean Club.  Who eats at 4:30 p.m.? We do! It was really a rather nice little evening.

GMac woke up around 12:50 Sunday morning with croup. Is it "croup" or "the croup"? This one seemed worse than the time before and the poor kid sounded horrible.  We watched Mickey Mouse for a few hours (finally calling it quits around 2:30) and did whatever we could to help him breath easier and stay calm.

After several more wake ups in the night C headed to Children's Urgent Care after dropping Monkey and me off at church (for her Christmas Program).  You want to know something? Urgent Care doesn't open until noon.  Ooops.  So C headed back with croupy GMac and dropped him off with my sister so he could come to the Christmas Program.  Believe it or not, I did not get a single picture, but did get several videos. Stop by the house sometime and I'll show you.

After church and a quick lunch, Monkey had a Grandpa, Grandpa, and Emmy day going to see the Living Christmas Tree and dinner.  We took GMac back to Urgent Care.

That's where our day really begins.  There was a shot, and breathing treatment, and transfer to the Children's' ER for further monitoring.  GMac was a trooper and the nurses and doctors could not have been more helpful.  Around 6 pm we were told he wouldn't need another treatment (and thus didn't need admitted - yay!) so we were free to go home.  No one was happier than GMac!

I'm happy to report he slept through the night (yay for shots and breathing treatments) and while he sounds pretty congested today he's doing much, much better.

But now Monkey, who in her defense does have a cold, is asking to go to the doctor (because she wants a stuffed animal and toy ambulance, too).

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