Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What's Up Wednesday

What we're eating. Hot dogs. Brats. Grilled Chicken. Hamburgers.  Are you sensing a theme here?

What I'm reminiscing about.  The pool.  It's been a week and I already miss going during the week. How am I supposed to entertain the kids?

What I'm loving. I couldn't keep what I had for fear of a jinx (think sports, folks) so I'm going with the Kroger discount flower bin lilies. I want to live in my dining room. So good!

What I've been up to. I've been waking up at 6 am on work-at-the-office days in order to bike.  It's love/hate right now which is why I didn't list it as a love.

What I'm working on. Getting back in the cleaning grove.  Last winter/spring I did a more decent job than before on keeping the house cleaned up. Now that we won't be spending all our time at the pool, I'm trying to get back in that groove.

What I'm excited about. Early voting. I'm ready to cast my vote and be done. There should be a commercial opt-out feature once you've voted.

What I'm watching/reading. I'm watching Jane the Virgin while biking in the morning and working on A Good Year (want to read it before C and I watch the movie) and Playing Dead. I've read a few novels that center around wine making and am looking to find a few more.

What I'm listening to. Not much :( And I just read about how music is supposed to make you more chipper. So I should rectify that.

What I'm wearing. My new j.crew shorts which are now a bit too big. $12 well spent.

What I'm doing this weekend. Wine and Painting class on Friday night and Birthday dinner for Mom on Saturday! The big 40 (again)!

What I'm looking forward to next month. Taking Monkey to school. Not because she'll be out of the house, but because I get to take her this year.  I'm also looking forward to some one-on-one time with GMac while she's in class (once he gives up the morning nap, that is).

What else is new. We surprised Monkey last night and made the trek to Columbus to get her Welliewisher. She had no idea until we were standing in front of the "American Doll Store." It was the cutest. There really is nothing like watching life through your kids' eyes.  Ashlyn is officially a member of the Elsea family (and we are official American Girl Doll people - even C was on board for buying the extra jammies and brush).

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