Friday, April 1, 2016

If anyone April Fools me today, just know I hold a grudge for A LONG time.

Seriously. I still haven't forgotten She-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless for telling me in kindergarten that the only reason why she invited me to the sleepover was because Sally* was at Disney World and couldn't come.

*Sally's name has been changed to protect the innocent.  She-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless wasn't so innocent. 

I don't know about your weekend plans, but we've got exciting ones at the Elsea household.  Stuff like touring BCI, purging clothes, buying C new work shirts, and going to AT&T to figure out why I pay so much for my cell phone.  I know, you're jelly.

I read a book from the library that was the first in a series.  I emailed them and asked if they could purchase them but their vendor doesn't carry them.  The lady was so nice that I abstained from replying with "but Amazon carries them." She's trying to get them through inter-library loan.

Wednesday afternoon I pulled grass around some of the pavers in the backyard.  The kids loved this as they picked up the chunks of grass and threw them in the playhouse window.

Viola! New flooring!

In other outdoors news, it looks like I can stay home while they go for walks now.

The Easter Bunny brought Skip-Bo.  Monkey likes to play it on my phone so the E.B. thought maybe she could pick up the real game.  The box says ages 7 and up, but she seems to be catching on.

Bless her little 80 year-old heart.

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