Monday, October 5, 2015

Yet another reason why we won't be homeschooling

I've told you before we won't be homeschooling. I believe I've listed the reasons before as well. 

Here's another one: 

I'm teaching Monkey's Sunday School class because no one else was doing it and we think Monkey should be in Sunday School and not running around the Narthex. She's the only kid in the class. 

I've taught Sunday School a million times but not once with my own child in the class.  

As soon as we sat down the following took place:

Monkey: Where is Mrs. Locke (her teacher)?

Me: I'm your teacher. 

Monkey: Ok. You be Mrs. Locke. I'll be Alexandra (one of her friends in class). 

Me: No. I'm your Sunday School teacher. 

Monkey: Can I go play now?

We'll see how week two goes. 

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