Monday, June 27, 2011

at least I got a corn dog

The good news: we didn't find a mouse in our car this weekend.  The bad news: since we went with an SUV and not a sedan, we weren't permitted to enter the drive-in. If it's not one thing it's another.

Our weekend started with a nap.  We'll at least mine did, C cleaned (good for him). After my nap on Friday evening we made homemade pizza (yum and cheap!) and just chilled at the house since it was the 23rd day in a row that the weather wasn't cooperating for the pool.

Saturday morning we headed to Starbucks, the mall (spent $20.66 for 8 tank tops, two pairs of earrings, and 2 necklaces that would have retailed for $110 had they not been on sale), and dropped off some old law books to send to Amazon (we just discovered the text book trade in thingy).

We had left over pizza for lunch and cleaned up the house while we waited for the temps to reach the lower 70's (day 24 of not so great pool weather) before heading to the pool for a few hours in the late afternoon). 

Our plans were to go to the drive-in (a new experience for C) to see Cars 2 that evening with my sister, so we picked her up at 8:00 and headed down the hill to get in line.  A little info about the drive in: doors open at 7:45 and the movie doesn't start until dusk (roughly 9:45).  Back to us heading down the hill to get in line.  In the past, on a busy night, the line was a few tenths of a mile long.  Saturday night, it was past Sells Road which meant we had to turn West (right) to get in line to go East (left).  It was roughly a mile long. 

The beginning of the loooong line.

One hour later we made it to the front of the line and were told by the police officer that they couldn't accommodate any more SUVs, only small cars.

So we headed back to the house, dropped Emily off, and went to Sonic to drown our sorrows in a milkshake and mozzarella sticks (C) and cherry slushy and corn dog (me).

C's playing his air guitar.

Then we went home and watched Taxi Cab confessionals (I'm betting the guy with "mafia ties" was taken care of after that episode aired) and I spent an hour tried to removed my shellacked nails.

Soaking. Soaking. Soaking.

Gorgeous. (and blurry)

After church on Sunday we went through some open houses (I'm sure the realtors are tired of seeing us since we never buy), stopped at Target to buy an air purifier (I think our old building is a main contributor to my allergy issues), and C headed off to bowl while I went to the pool.  So what if the water temp was actually warmer than the air? I was going to the pool! Incase you're counting this is day 25 of not so great weather.

We spent the evening cooking out at my parents house. I think we've been there 24 of the last 22 nights since Riley came home.  We had a delicious pasta salad (I'll get the recipe to share) and enjoyed reading what Casey Anthony gets for lunch on trial days (2 sandwhiches, fruit, and a cookie which are eatten by her self).

We went home and watched the Indians lose to the Giants.  It was about the 7th inning when I went to the office and told C we needed to go get ice cream.  He asked "They aren't doign well, are they?"

No, they weren't. I fully support and endorse a Grady Sizemore trade.  Looks don't get you everywhere in baseball.

And I don't even think he looks that great.

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