Wednesday, January 6, 2010

take it for what it's worth

While perusing the EG this evening, I stumbled across this article.  Since I more than always take everything in the EG with a grain of salt (even back in the day when my name would appear in the girls' high school basketball box scores) I of course had to do some more research. 

Since I'm pretty sure I could be a meteorologist in my next life, I started by going straight to the source, "The World's Weather Authority".  Sure enough, they have the article as well.  

I then searched for other news outlets that were talking about or linking to the article.  At first I checked the dispatch and found nothing.  Fox News.  Nothing. CNN.  Nothing really.  NOAA.  Couldn't understand their models, maybe I won't be a meteorologist in my next life, but then again, the models didn't have a key. Then I thought, "who always breaks the news first"? The Drudge Report.  So I checked them out and sure enough, it's their top story.  Not their big story.  That was about Nancy Pelosi throwing a rhetorical question at the President (snore).  But this was above that.  And above the 11 other weather related stories that were above Nancy's rhetorical question.  And, it out ranked some of the stories were about Florida's crop freezing and the UK running out of gas to heat their homes.  All real stories.  Therefore if the story about the 2009-2010 winter being the worst in 25 years is on the top of all of those stories, it probably shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt.

Why am I excited?

Because this means COLD temps and snow snow snow.  Plus the article in the EG (which wasn't written by the EG, but someone else, therefore I can take it seriously) compared this to the winter of '78 when Central Ohio got boat loads of snow (or so I am told).

So I'm a little excited and decided to post this before posting anything about our lovely trip.  I just can't find the motivation to post everything.  Maybe I'll just load all the pics to the ever handy dandy facebook and create a slide show. Oh, but I must dedicate a post to our fish market experience.

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