Thursday, September 15, 2016

Try to stay with me here.

As usual with my word/non-picture posts, the following is like taking a Sunday drive with no destination in mind. Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.

You know what sounds good? A Sunday drive through Fairfield County.

We hooked up the bike cart at the beach and took the kids for some rides. Monkey always requested a "Please keep your arms and legs in the vehicle at all times" followed by "thank you for taking a bike ride with Daddy, we hope you come again soon!" at the conclusion of the rides.

The first days of post-vacation re-entry are always the hardest. Ugh. Crabby kids. Crabby parents. First days of school where Mommy is actually doing pick-up and drop-off. There's a whole new routine to get in to. It's been a week. I did make cupcakes yesterday and found that to be semi-therapeutic, so there's that.

GMac has had a particularly rough time readjusting. Not sure what gives, but he's been a real fussy pants. He's definitely more work than Monkey was at this age, but we're up for the challenge and love him the same none-the-less!

Monkey is loving pre-school (again). She seems to have a lot more energy this year than she did last year. I suppose that's growing up.

I kept up biking on vacation. I use that term very loosely as some days it was just a trip around the marsh. But I did it every day.  Re-entry in the daily biking hasn't been too bad. Other than not wanting to wake up.

The other night while laying/lying in bed I thought of the funniest post. I thought maybe I should write it down, but alas, I didn't. This isn't a Seinfeld thing where he can't remember and then does and it turns out to be horribly not funny. This one was good. But it's gone.

I think my new odd obsession may be National Forests. Not visiting them or anything, but how they work. What percentage has be owned by the federal government? Do private land owners have regulations they have to follow to be in the forest? Do they get tax breaks? I could go on and on.

Grandma Elsea is coming this weekend and we're having a housewarming at Emily's house on Saturday. I'm looking forward to sleeping in on October 1st (yeah, I had to look at a calendar for that).

And that concludes our Sunday drive. Thank you for riding and come again soon!

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