Tuesday, August 30, 2016

adios, summer

We spent our last summer weekend at the pool. It wasn't bittersweet, just bitter. The weather here has been great pool weather, but the schools went back a week and a half ago, so there aren't any lifeguards. It's looking like the schools should just go back at the old times because all these kids are losing half their body weight in sweat due to air condition-less classrooms.

Monkey has made great strides this year and almost "swims" under water. She'll put her butt higher in the air to get her head all the way under. It's the cutest. Now working on her swimming away from the steps. She doesn't need goggles anymore(!) which is just what I wanted to hear less than 24 hours after taking her out to get better ones (her old ones were the only ones I could find in a pinch that year - sorta frog like and only cost $2).

GMac has made great strides in that his snack of choice is now M&Ms and no longer the smarties suckers. I got him a sucker on Sunday and after he saw it he said "no" and went back to the snack bar until I correctly guessed what he wanted. Speak, kid, speak! The kids goes to the pool to eat and drink my water (not his that I pack to try to avoid snack backwash).

We still have a week at the beach ahead of us, so we're not saying goodbye just quite yet. And I'm hoping for a warm September so the kids can still swim take buckets of water from the kiddie pool in the back yard and dump it on the pavers.

I cut my finger with a cutco knife this weekend. No stitches or tendons cut, but I knew this was coming. I wasn't even chopping anything, I was just removing them from the dishwasher (yes, I put my cutcos in the dishwasher and they are no worse for the wear).  The only thing I don't put in the dishwasher are my Le Creusets. Monkey was thrilled to get me a band aid and even more excited to watch me apply it. her enthusiasm is a bit concerning. GMac on the other hand was concerned.

I had a banner bad eating weekend.  Cokes on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and a food baby to show for it.  My biking has been consistent and I'm burning enough calories to make up for the mochas. Imagine how well I'd be doing if I stuck to water and tea. I'll reset on vacation. Promise. (Because the closest Starbucks is 25 miles away.  Maybe just googled that for exact distance.

Last but not least, to those of you so excited for pumpkin flavored everything, knock it off. It's 90 degrees out side. And not everything is delectable when it's flavored like a squash.

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