Monday, March 9, 2015

Loving (and not loving)

• This weather. 
• Taking walks outside. 
• Monkey thanking us for everything. "Who got this for me?" "Thank you, Mommy!"
• GMac finding his voice.
• Monkey's inquisitiveness. Today she asked how a wheel worked. I couldn't put it into two year old terms. 
• Extended time home with the kiddos. 
• Mochas (a little too much) 

not Loving
• That I can't seem to keep the house even semi-straightened up. We are talking hurricane state 98% of the time.
• Grating my finger nail while prepping dinner.  
• Trying to make meals in the evening. My love for cooking isn't so lovely with an attention seeking two year old and baby hat must be held. 
• Only three weeks left before returning to work. Time flies when you're in survival mode for the first 7 weeks. Soaking up every last minute of being home with them. 

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