Monday, October 27, 2014

MINES Weekend Rewind

Mommy's apologies for this being a week late. Something about not being able to upload the videos I requested...

So last week Mommy told you all about her weekend with Daddy.

I'm here to tell you about mines weekend with Baby Aggie (and Emmy and Grandma).

Grandma picked me up on Saturday and I was thrilled because Grandma has a t.v. in her car!! I like to watch Frozen and Cars and Dora!

We picked up Emmy and went to a pumpkin patch/house were I picked out a pumpkin with a doggie painted on it.

Once we got to Aunt Janet's (love her!) we got to meet Baby Aggie (love her the most)!


(Sorry, I don't know how to upload videos)

I held her like this (I guess you can't see my arms right now, but that's how I hold Baby Aggie).

Then other people wanted to hold her. Um, NO. 

And don't even try to replace Baby Aggie with my Baby Maddie. NOT THE REAL THING, PEOPLE!

It was also Lesley's birthday so we got to sing Happy Birthday to Lesley!

I got to sleep with Emmy that night in what I thought was my NEW room (in my own bed, something about taking up an entire queen sized bed). No such luck.

On Sunday I got to go to Barnes and Noble to play with the Thomas trains! I was so excited that I ran into the train table. Twice.  Boo-boos don't stop me from playing with the Thomas trains. 

Then I got to see Baby Aggie again!

Have I mentioned how much I love her?

Emmy and Grandma took me to Halls for lunch.  Grandma says is like Cameron Mitchell's meets Todd's Mountain View.  Um, Grandma?

I met a nice waitress who let me talk to her while she refilled the salt and pepper shakers.

Then I met an even nicer lady who gave me a quarter (which I promptly licked).

After I was done eating my whipped cream with my fingers (and crying because Grandma said I couldn't use my fingers) they put me back in my car seat and took me home.

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