Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Weekend Rewind

Christmas is coming! If you haven't left your house in the last 2 weeks and only watch t.v. the movies on ABC Family and the Hallmark Channel should've clued you in. So really, there's no way to NOT know.

Oh yes, and other good news. The Tournament of Roses Parade is going to be held on Monday this year not New Years day, so it looks like we can go to church after all.

I had a nice little extended weekend thanks to some vacation days I needed to use before the end of the year.

Friday I met my mom for some lunch and a trip to the quilt store to get some fabric for Christmas presents.  We spent the rest of the afternoon starting the project and taking breaks so Riley, who thinks she is a lap dog, could sit in my lap.

Once C was done working, I returned home so that I could watch him play Wii Baseball. Yeah, exciting. I also made some cookies for the blood drive my Other Mother was throwing (do you throw a blood drive?) or maybe hosting (?) Saturday morning. 

Saturday morning we headed to St. B's for the blood drive (sadly I didn't get any pictures like last time).  Joyce had crafts on hand so I was able to make some nice foam bookmarks while I waited for C to finish up.  

As soon as we got home we were able to iChat with our newest niece Clara (and her mom, grandma, and brothers too)! I then took a nap and caught the end of the Buckeyes game (glad I didn't see it all) while C went to Starbucks to read.  

Saturday evening we went to Pickerington for dinner with the Vansants.  We stopped at the ATM on the way up and discovered Carl Bumgardner* had left his debit card at the ATM.  Since the ATM is right next to the bar we decided to take it and return it to the bank on Monday morning.  The next 30 minutes were spent with me on the phone trying to tell the guy and then gal working for Insight (Carl's bank) on the other line that we had found Carl's card and would return it to the bank on Monday.  I had to tell the guy I did not expect him to give me Carl's personal information, just wanted to let the bank know I found the card. Then I had to listen to the gal finish our conversation with "Thank you for choosing Insight". But I didn't...

We arrived in Pickerington and grabbed some dinner before playing a game of Joker.  C and I won. I am the Queen of Joker. Seriously. My record is 4 and 1.  

Sunday we churched and lunched and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned AND discovered that C had left his debit card at the restaurant the night before. Just call him Carl Bumgardner*

While C was at work on Monday I was able to enjoy the day working on some projects with my mom.  We finished up our Christmas projects, made cookies, and also made some Caramel & Chocolate & Toffee Covered Pretzels

I ended the day back in the real world with a board meeting and writing this blog post.  Eight more (work) days until Christmas break!

*Carl's last name has been altered to protect the innocent. (Carl is the innocent in this case.)

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