Friday, April 30, 2010

Fashion Friday: Fashion Faux Pas

There are two times you should use camouflage.

For huntin' and for fightin'.

There are many, many times you should not use or wear camouflage.

Such as..

On your wedding day.

On your baby, on your wedding day, as your veil.

On your baby's bed.

On your dog's toys. 
Not only is it ugly, but the poor dog can't locate the toy when outside.

On your wall. 

On your non-military issued car. 
I doubt this will come in handy in the desert.

I'm finding way too many examples of when to not wear camo. 
 My rule is only for huntin' and fightin.  
Otherwise camo has no place in your life, your family's life, your house, or your yard.

Note: These pictures are the least favorite I have ever posted.  They are burning my eyes.

1 comment:

Joyce said...

You omitted on your Prom gown/tux!